Friday, August 28, 2015


While it may be an inconvenience to find the toilet seat wet most of the time, it is nice to have reading material close by such as Marvin K. Mooney or books to help me with the alphabet.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Bonfire of the ....

bank statements.

As is our annual tradition - we burn the 6 year old* statements/tax returns etc.
My off-the-grid-wife insists on receiving paper statements. I am not sure why - tho it may just be so we can burn them once a year.

We used to have a wood stove at the old house, and you can burn anything in those.
This new house has a gas fireplace. Which I love for its cleanliness and push button convenience - but burning in there is a huge no-no.
Thus the outdoor fire. In a camp stove no less, as we no longer even have a firepit.
We turned this years burning into a weeny-roast - so its an environmental win/win, as well as being delicious.

*keeping the customary last 5 years

Monday, August 17, 2015


What's that saying - you can't swing a cat without hitting somebody with Lyme.
Add me to the list.
But please don't hit me with a cat, I've got enough going on.
Holy crap - what a tick can do.
Crazy that our natural predators are the size of "."

In May I had some sort of bite or some such thing on my shoulder. I thought it was a pimple.  Oops.
So this thing got infected pretty fast, causing a rather large red rash over my entire shoulder area, and I felt pretty crappy. I even had the rigors one night. Have you ever had rigors? That is some crazy shit.

Blood tests at that time revealed a bacterial blood infection - so I was dosed up with antibiotics. These didn't kick in fast enough, which landed me in the ER to get IV antibiotics. Several doctors saw this rash. No doctor mentioned Lyme or even tested me for it at that time.

So I got 3 weeks on Doxycycline and Keflex. These two drugs are a great summer combo. With Doxy you can't go out in the sun - for me...not at ALL. I became super photo-sensitive. And with the Keflex you can't have alcohol.
This was perfect... I had to stay inside, and not drink ... and I live at the beach.
Good times.

After I got past that and the days went on I started to feel, achy and tired and sweaty and bloated and swollen and generally crappy.
I thought it was ..."THE Menopause".
But I was in alot of pain and had tremendous stiffness. It started to get harder to get out of a chair, I had trouble walking, the pain kept me up at night.
 I thought - hey, if this is menopause women would not make it to old age - this is just too hard. So I went to my primary and to my Gyn and pleaded with them to make it stop.

That's when we found the Lyme. That was 4 weeks ago.
While I have had improvement - today I am having a change up in my meds as symptoms are returning.
Lyme is not something to trifle with, even when you find it early.

Friday, August 14, 2015

For the love of data

I was trying to remember something last week and ended up using this blog to figure out when something had happened. It's wonderful to have this searchable record to look back on.
It then occurred to me then that my laissez faire attitude for blogging has caused me to miss the last couple years of ...

I plan to rectify this.