Thursday, February 16, 2006

Why am I here

Didja ever walk into a room and forget why you were there? This is evidently a common occurrence in the 40+ crowd. It’s probably more prevalent as you get up past 50, but I think at that point you get used to it and it doesn't bother you as much. Its this adjustment period that’s tricky.
My wife and I have different ways of dealing with this minor synapse glitch. She retraces her steps, goes back to where the thought occurred. This is very effective for her.
Me... I stubbornly stand in the middle of the room and wait. The kids don't even think a thing about it anymore – there I am standing in the middle of the room, my hands on my hips, waiting. Sometimes it takes longer than others… then, as if somebody flipped a switch, it comes to me and I am off in a blur of whatever it was I was in the middle of.
There have been times when the origin of my mission does not come back to me – this is not a problem for someone with the retention of a goldfish, I can easily set off on a new task, which often times finds me standing in the middle of another room, my hands on my hips, waiting….

When I logged in to post today – same thing happened. And so I sat here, with my fingers poised over the keyboard and waited. Alas, I tired of waiting, which is not a problem for someone with the retention of a goldfish….

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