Friday, July 21, 2006



It's time for the summer feeding. Though I have always thought of this lawn care step as optional.
The summer fertilizers are often mixed with insect control - which is nice and can help control mosquitoes, ants, ticks and some other nuisance lawn pests (remember grub control is separate – we will talk about that next week). But if the lawn is stressed from drought or high heat, I feel it's better to skip this step.

In the heat of the summer grasses go dormant naturally. If your lawn is browning or yellowing it doesn’t mean that it's in jeopardy. Once the fall rains come and the nights cool off, a healthy lawn with well established roots will bounce back.

Since here in the North East we are enjoying regular rain and only the seldom heat wave, I plan to apply the summer feed this year. This will actually be the first year I have applied this step. My goal is to thicken the lawn due to massive grub and drought damage from last year.

So remember, each lawn and each part of the country are different and so you will need to make an individual choice... to feed or not to feed.

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