Friday, July 07, 2006


Rotation cleaning.
This is a method I use to save time and not get behind on my cleaning.
Each week when you do your cleaning, pick one room and wipe all the tops of the doors and windows, picture frames, baseboards etc. If you do one room each time the task is not nearly as daunting and these small out of the way areas won’t have to wait for a big seasonal clean.

Also, if you have mini blinds – you will find that if you give them a quick vacuum every other week – you won’t have to take them down and try to wash them in the tub or the back yard to get the caked-on dust off (dust should never be caked on to anything).
It’s not as time consuming as you may think. While you are running the vacuum around just pop on the brush tool, close the blinds and vacuum. If you are wearing the ‘vacuum tool belt’ it’s made all the easier.

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