Thursday, June 10, 2010


We've been here in our house a long time. Luckily we moved in about a month before Ferris was born - so its always easy to remember how long we have been here.

Here we are on the day we moved in, all twenty-something and naive.
You can't really tell from this picture, but my round-wife is very pregnant. Doncha just love the flash-dance leggings and socks.

See the aluminum awning. My very-pregnant-nesting-wife made me take it down that very afternoon. We also ended up pretty much ripping off the front room and re-doing it.
Not to mention we have moved almost every window and door in the house over all these years...there's new siding, new roof, new furnace, new... don't even get me started on how my wife moves shrubs like they are folding chairs.

Ah.... I digress.

Being in one place for such a long time gives you the opportunity to see trends.
Over the years I have noticed that each summer season there is a plant and insect and and animal that seem to swell in numbers.

Last year we had this most pervasive weed ... It was easy enough to eradicate from the lawn and gardens, but I feared for the wildflowers and grasses out in our meadow. Remarkably, this year its practically non-existent.
Then there was the year we had so many so many slugs there was slug slime everywhere.
We put out cups and cups of beer that year. Oddly, Free Dog also put on about 5 pounds that summer. They too have all but disappeared.

This year, it ants. They are everywhere. I was sweeping the front walk and the next thing I knew my leg was swarmed. I was cutting the side lawn and noticed it looked like the ground was moving there was so many of them.

So ...while I may shepperd a single bug out of the house on scrap of paper or toss them one out the bathroom window in a cup... somehow I make peace with the mass genocide of the hose end sprayer.
go figure.


Anonymous said...

Same, my missus and I moved into our house just as I finished renovating - I met her after I started - we have been here 21 years and changed heaps of things over that time.
Ants, yes, every summer here in West Oz those little ants come out to play, usually near the taps in the kitchen. A few years ago our termite man put something down for them and we haven't seen them in the house since. In the yard they are free to roam and nest as they see fit.

Anonymous said...

We had a lot of ants last spring/summer, especially in front and on the side of the house. This year, so far, none other than the usual carpenter ants the bug guy handles.

- Ann (who can't remember her dang password to post a comment!)

Jesse said...

I absoutely LOVE that pic of you two. Thanks for sharing and hope you're both doing well :)

Anonymous said...

Corn meal gets rid of them...just sprinkle some around...I think it works because they can't digest it...


KMae said...

We've had ants (both big & teensy) for 2 years. Last year D got those ant hotels... it worked pretty well.

Trish said...

wonderful pic and oh yeah, LOVE the leggings----but they fit and she was more worked, right?

ants...we lived in a house once where they just marched THRU the house like it was a highway. I swear, it looked like the large white 15" tiles with grout were black striped.

the ONLY thing that kept them out of that house was cinnamon or cayenne pepper, laid out in a line around the ENTIRE perimeter of the house (big enuf house, go to Costco for a bag). Burns their tootsies apparently, similar to putting copper tape around planters to keep slugs out. Chalk also works well for sidewalks etc to keep the ants out, plus it's a GREAT "game" for the under 10yo crowd..."let's draw a line around the house!".

brenda said...

there are so many great things about that picture!!!