I suppose we don't use them so much anymore since we've stopped being summoned for a midnight sip of water - or to administer Tylenol just before bed. But we still have the dispenser and I still buy happily designed little cups.
I regularly toss these little cups out the bathroom window.
In fact, I just did last night.
My sentient wife was washing dishes in the kitchen below when she saw it drop by the window in front of her. She didn't flinch.
That's because she knows.
She knows that in that little cup there is an unsuspecting spider... perhaps a witless beetle, or any number of other tiny crawling intruders that has just been launched for the ride of their lives.
No really... it's way more humane than just squishing them on the wall.
I often wonder why they are all so enamored with crawling around the tub, perhaps they like the ride so much they make their way back up for another turn.
We (read: I) have a no-kill rule at our house too...but I think the condo board would frown on tossing the cup with the bug.
Oh, I LOVE it.
I try to not kill too....the others in my house, not so much!! I keep telling them one day the spiders will come back and get them!!
I don't kill spiders too often becasue I am scared shitless of them..There is no way I am getting close enough to catch or kill them..I have to call in the calvary..My neighbors cat.
Thank you for not killing them! I have always been a rescuer. One time I killed a black widow that had found a cozy corner of our house to build her nest... I knew I had to, but I still didn't like doing it.
I think it's hilarious that you give them a thrill ride in a paper cup. :-)
Oh, and to be completely honest, the occasional silver fish does get rinsed down the drain. Oh well.
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