Thursday, August 24, 2006

In your dreams

As I am sure is quite common, as a child I used to have dreams this time of year about going back to school. The classic, of course, is showing up naked, tho in my dreams I generally showed up in my pajamas. In my twisted mind this is even more horrible, because being in my pajamas would mean that most likely I had not showered that morning (whereas if I were naked...certainly I would have). Leaving the house un-showered...well, simply must never happen.

Anyway - last night I had a dream about us bringing Ferris to college.
(I suppose you won't need a doctorate to interpret this one.)
We were moving him into his dorm room, and basically had forgotten most of the stuff we have been busily preparing for him for the last couple of weeks. In the dream we were supposed to have him moved in by 5:00 and of course by 5:00 we had not even taken things out of the car. Evidently, we needed to be done by 5, so that all the college freshman could go off to the dining hall for some special welcoming dinner, and we...the overprotective, and overpacked parents were supposed to go home. So I went off looking for Ferris to tell him we were leaving and instead found some creepy guy in a robe living in the room next door selling cable channels to freshman. He showed me his brochure, I politely declined. I also noticed that the dorm rooms seemed to already be equipped with HBO, as I noticed a bunch of kids across the hall watching the Sopranos.

So finally I see Ferris walking down the hall... but he is small - like 10. Then I notice all the kids are small. And I am thinking - we are gonna leave all these little kids here in this dorm alone... what with all that beer drinking... and fraternizing?

No really... I am not worried.

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