Monday, October 31, 2005


I like the Fall. And despite the fact that I am not a huge fan of cold weather I like the winter. Winter is a time healing and respite for me. I suppose it’s like hibernating. It’s down time.
The fall is the preparation for this down time, and I am all about preparation.
I find something very comforting in performing the ritual maintenance of preparing for the long cold winter. Stacking and storing wood, for example, while puritan is still a favorite.
Sure, there are colors and pumpkins and costume parties – but for me it’s more about the winding down. Even the smell of fall starts to set my internal clock in motion.
As the days get shorter my body knows to rest more. The long days of summer draw us outside for chores or late evening entertaining. Summer is the gregarious season.
The dark afternoons of the winter suggest a closeness. I revel in this.
My moods, luckily, are unaffected by the short days, I actually like them. The dark settles me in at home in the evenings.
And so with all the activity and long days of fun in the summer over and done, I look forward to my respite.
Fall is anticipation. Can you smell it?

(oh, one thing tho… I (still) really, really, really want THIS.

writingwomyn october collaboration

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