Monday, October 24, 2005

Ooo shiny…

Well we finally got the whole Hi D ef thing going on the newly acquired wide screen TV. Of course it costs more, we had to get a new box, and add service for a monthly charge and buy a new cable… but…wow.
Oh sure there are only a handful of channels that actually broadcast in H iDef .
But… wow.

The 49ers game was amazing. Oh sure – they lost…but they looked phenomenal.
And we missed a whole lot of dialogue during West Wing last night because we were so awestruck by the picture. And you know... you can’t miss dialogue in West Wing and expect to keep up. I missed an entire scene (well, my wife missed it too because of my voice-over commentary) because I was so amazed at the wrinkles in CJ’s face. And without H D it would never have occurred to me that Abby should stop wearing sleeveless.
Then we stayed up late watching an episode of Rome that we had already seen before – simply because we were mesmerized…ooo the colors…oooo…

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