Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I have an inclination

The Catholics have published new guidelines on homosexual outreach.

''Mini stry to P ersons with a H omos exual Inclin ation''

This is a wonderfully helpful 'training' document put together by celibate Bishops to assist Catholic priests in guiding their homosexual parishioners spiritually.
It's so much easier to minister to a homosexual once you understand they are suffering from a disorder.
And... further good news - Gays and Lesbians can now enjoy taking the Holy Communion-- guilt free, as long as they are abstaining from any of that unholy gay sex.

But just so heterosexuals don't feel completely left out - the document also reinforces the churches ban on artificial contraception, promoting their tried and true 'rhythm' method instead. So, you folks who toss out your condoms, rip out your IUD's or flush your birth control pills are also welcome to join those celibate gays at the alter for your tasty piece of the Body of Christ.

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