The people who will "blow" that kind of money on a space ride are the most likely the people who have lots of employees and are already "feeding" them and their families. Or they're celebrities and pro athletes. They're also most likely to already be philanthropist, who also feed a lot of people directly and indirectly.
For those that have, 200K is nothing. They don't put the same value on a dollar amount that some of us do. It's strickly a number on the balance sheet.
No gettin' down on the 1%ers, they work much, much, much harder than you or I do. Much harder. If you only worked as hard as they do, you too could blow 200k on a rocket ride. And why begrudge them that? They give all of us jobs. Without them, we would be eating nuts and berries and wearing scratchy, coffee sack underwear and picking nits out of our scuzzy, unwashed, nappy hair.
Sheesh, you're such an ingrate.
Pay more taxes? You freakin' COMMIE! Go back to Cuba. If 1%ers have to pay more taxes, they won't be able to be the job creators and if they can't be the job creators then... did you read the first paragraph about scratchy coffee sack underwear? Might be TMI, but my delicate lady parts would never be able to handle scratchy, coffee sack underwear.
you hungry?
The people who will "blow" that kind of money on a space ride are the most likely the people who have lots of employees and are already "feeding" them and their families. Or they're celebrities and pro athletes. They're also most likely to already be philanthropist, who also feed a lot of people directly and indirectly.
Feed somebody or volunteer to pay more taxes...
For those that have, 200K is nothing. They don't put the same value on a dollar amount that some of us do. It's strickly a number on the balance sheet.
No gettin' down on the 1%ers, they work much, much, much harder than you or I do. Much harder. If you only worked as hard as they do, you too could blow 200k on a rocket ride. And why begrudge them that? They give all of us jobs. Without them, we would be eating nuts and berries and wearing scratchy, coffee sack underwear and picking nits out of our scuzzy, unwashed, nappy hair.
Sheesh, you're such an ingrate.
Pay more taxes? You freakin' COMMIE! Go back to Cuba. If 1%ers have to pay more taxes, they won't be able to be the job creators and if they can't be the job creators then... did you read the first paragraph about scratchy coffee sack underwear? Might be TMI, but my delicate lady parts would never be able to handle scratchy, coffee sack underwear.
ps...I love ELF!
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