Tuesday, May 17, 2005

It doesn't take much

I am all freaked out about the environment again.
I had a doctor’s appointment yesterday, and she got a bit behind in her schedule, leaving me in the waiting room for ½ hour with a National Geographic magazine. I should not be left unsupervised with such magazines.
I read this article on oil consumption and supply. It had charts and diagrams and pictures of 10mpg SUV’s. It basically outlined how we are heading for crisis, and that we are forced to find oil in more far reaching places. There were lovely graphics showing just how much oil is left and where. Do you know how much oil you use each day? Each person in America uses 3 gallons a day. And there are A LOT of us.
My environmentally friendly wife read me excerpts from a similar article in Time magazine last week. The news is not good folks. We really should be paying a little more attention.
Add to this, that this morning I started to read an article about the rising sea levels caused by global warming. Evidently, folks seem to think that we have made such environmental progress since the 1970’s (which we actually have – our water supply and air are in fact cleaner) that they no longer need to really pay attention to what’s going on now. All that trapped contaminated air up there eating at the ozone, ever so slightly warming up the polar caps causing a bit of melting action, raising the sea levels a little at a time.
We had actually been thinking of buying a little cape close to the shore. But now, maybe we’ll just wait. See how this whole thing plays out. We may be just sitting on some beach front property.

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