Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Are you dieting?
Remember, this is it - the best, and easiest time of the year to diet.
But you can't waste any time; because before you know it spring will be here and then there will be all those FABulous cookouts with cheeseburgers and beer and hot dogs and beer and chips and dip and beer...you get my point.

This will actually be phase two of my NEW and IMPROVED diet plan. Last summer I did the traditional diet and exercise method. And while it was somewhat effective - it’s a whole lot of work. Plus my body got quite comfortable on the restricted calories, so I needed to do a changeup. For starters, I went back to eating normally - which ...please remember for the +40 crowd "normal" means: no bread, no pasta... no flour products actually, no sugar, no ... well basically only eat 'real' food - nothing processed or prepared. If you eat this way, maintaining is a breeze. But I still have those last few pounds I want to lose.

Over the winter I came up with an innovative diet plan I like to call - the atrophy diet. Its quite simple really - muscle weighs more than fat. So get rid of all that unwanted muscle by simply sitting still. Works like a charm. The scale says I am lighter.

Ok Ok… I suppose realistically, if I believe this whole muscle weighs more than fat theory, I actually put on a couple of pounds over the winter. Back to the basics then - starvation and exercise. ugh.
More on this later…

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