Monday, February 27, 2006

writingwomyn february collaboration

february 2006 assignment
love doesn't always necessitate intimacy, and intimacy certainly doesn't always breed the love of a lifetime. What does intimacy mean to you, and who do you find you are the most intimate with?

The definition of intimacy is very personal, and so differs wildly for each person. For me, intimacy is the level beyond sex. No…make that beyond making love – sex is a different matter. However you don’t need to achieve one to have the other. Meaning – you do not necessarily have to sleep with the person you are intimate with and vice versa.
Keeping in mind that intimacy is shared with only one (well one at a time I suppose… consecutively… you know in a relationship – I don’t mean being intimate with one person in the morning and then another later that evening… you get my meaning here…) And so is a sexual relationship, shared with only one. I suppose these two types of relationships could be with two different people – altho I imagine that would be very taxing. Kinda of like having two homes. Something I never want to do – and this is yet another whole blog entry.

I believe intimacy makes a relationship sacred, and a life partner a soulmate – not sex. Intimacy can be sexual, it can be sensual, it can be caring, it can be a look, a touch, a moment. It, more than any other factor, binds me to the soul of one other person. I also believe you can spend your life with someone without the sexual part of the relationship, as long as you have intimacy. This is, of course, conjecture…and you may say idealistic – but hey – it’s my blog so I can be idealistic if I want to.
So just to recap – ideally you are intimate with the person you are sharing your life with, and also conveniently having a sexual relationship with, while living in one home.

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