Friday, February 09, 2007



Are you feeling ill effects from the winter? Do you feel listless, tired, do you poop out at parties? Are you unpoopular? (oops …a Lucy moment).

Maybe you have an unexplained lack of energy or are you getting a little short fused?

You will be surprised how much it helps with winter blues to get your house clean and orderly.

Your home is an integral part of your energy. Your home has energy flowing through it all the time. Feng Shui is the environmental science of this energy – and there are boat loads of info on this.
But on a smaller scale – and without doing a lot of research…
Energy in your home can be good or bad which can help or hinder you in your daily life. A cramped, cluttered home that’s dusty and disorganized will greatly affect the way you feel.

I am more pragmatic than most, and proudly consider myself shallow – but even I can feel the difference in our home when it’s cleaned and set right. I am more at ease, and I feel happier. Sometimes that’s enhanced by the several lite beers I partake after getting everything in order… but I digress.

So if you’re longing for the days of summer and feeling like you need more space and sunlight, take some time this weekend to do a good cleaning. Think of it as a way to pamper and care for yourself. Some folks may go to a spa, which while pleasant is short lived. Caring for yourself by caring for your home environment will have lasting effects.

If your home is particularly disorganized – start small. Take one room, perhaps your bedroom – which should be your sanctuary. Dust and vacuum everything including your window treatments and walls (which can be quickly dusted with one of those swiffer thingys). Wash your linens, hang out spreads and comforters and toss your pillows in the dryer at high heat for freshening.

If you are storing things under your bed, remove them. Keeping clutter hiding under your bed is not good for sleeping energy. Keeping it clear is good for air flow, which keeps your room fresher and also allows easy access for vacuuming and/or mopping.

Attics and basements are other great places to organize and purge unneeded stuff. You may think there is no harm in keeping piles clutter and useless stuff behind closed doors.
But – try this. Clean and organize your basement, throwing out anything you don’t use and making sure the stuff you do use is accessible and arranged by purpose.
Then sit in your living room and see how it makes you feel. You will feel a better flow of energy even in other rooms. Perhaps you won’t perceive it as energy. You may simply feel, at first, satisfied with a job well done.
But I promise it will feel good.
And… a couple of beers won’t hurt either.
Something about a good day of clutter clearing that just makes the cold ones flow better.

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