Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Can I get workman's comp?

During the course of the day I spend a great deal of time on conference calls.
I had been using speaker phone, but recently I got a new headset.
I just love it.

I have also developed a re-newed love for Orbit bubble mint gum.
It's tasty and refreshing, plus I can blow bubbles with it.

This, however, is not a suggested activity when wearing a headset on a conference call.


Suzanne said...

I love my headset too! I can wander all around the office while talking on the phone. It's wonderful!

eb said...

Do you ever use the bathroom and blow gum bubbles during a conference call?

Paul Wynn said...

Ha, that would be a site to see. Post pictures when it does happen =)

orbit bubblemint said...

Haha. Nice. Maybe you're underestimating how much people will like it when you pop gum in their ears.