Friday, December 11, 2009



Don't let these early snow storms fool you.
Many people here decided this snow was too early to worry about. They assumed the following warm days following would melt it all away.

They are mistaken. In fact, it's quite the opposite.
Allow me to explain.

This storm was an excellent example.

We woke to about 6 inches of snow on Wednesday morning.
By the time I finished my first cup of coffee the precipitation had turned to rain.
This is where most folks sat down with newspaper and got a second cup.

I sprang to action.
You see. The rain got those 6 inches of snow very wet. It was too much snow to be washed away. So the snow simply absorbed as much rain as it could and the rest sat underneath puddling.
Overnight the temps drop. With so much snow mixed with the rain, the temps don't even need to be that low.
Now ..if this were powdery snow - no worries. But this was basically water disguised as snow. So what we got was a solid freeze.
And if you didn't shovel.
Several inches of it.

This ice is gonna be around for awhile.

It's also a great time to remind you to make sure and clear the snow several inches off the paved surfaces, well into your lawn. That way any melting that happens during the day gets absorbed. If allowed to melt out onto your driveway - those rivers and puddles freeze up overnight for slick conditions for many, many mornings.


eb said...

This is all very fascinating

CJ said...

I live in an up/down duplex. I want to use my shovel to beat my neighbors (who have FOUR adults and TWO teens living downstairs) for letting me do all the shoveling. Ass hats.

e said...

The ever practical Weese! I actually told this strategy to my daughter, who is living in the midWest and just suffered a snow storm. She shoveled for a few feet and then called someone to remove the snow from their driveway.

Trish said...

if folks didn't get around to shoveling, you might want to buy a gross of blow torches, so they can get out of their driveways, down their walks or into their cars before late spring!