Friday, April 27, 2007



Today's tip is simple.
Know your own limitations.

Everyone has limits. Learn them. It may extend your life... or certainly some appendages.
I purchased an electric chainsaw today. And while that may scream 'pansy-dyke' to some... I think it's damned smart.

There will be pictures. Especially since I will most likely retain all my fingers.


Anonymous said...

I'm really hoping this has nothing to do with the previously mentioned power tools. Cuz I'm envisioning chain saw.

Val said...

Safety is better than image. Use it wisely and proudly!

SassyFemme said...

Hey, you know how we felt about that. If we couldn't lift it and work it safely, we weren't buying it. Besides, electric is better for the environment.

Now just know your limitations when you're using it, and don't push past that tired or shakey feeling just to get the job done!

Suzanne said...

If it does the job, what more could a person ask for? Good luck! Have fun! And be careful!

maxine said...

eb loves her Navigator.

WenWhit said...

I didn't realize they made electric chainsaws!

Like the Missus said, as long as it does the job. It has to be infinitely better than a freaking hand saw.

We'll be waiting for the pics.

weese said...

when you consider that last year I cut limbs into fire length with my circular saw...this has to be better.

Geeky Dragon Girl said...

I would imagine those things to be quieter than the gas ones as well.