Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Circle of the Box

O Great And Powerful Internet (OGAPI) – you never cease to amaze me.

First a little background.

Last April a group of blog type folks got together and created this wonderful
collaborative art project for my sweet wife for her birthday.
A large drawing was done of which small pieces were then sent to households across the country. Each person or family colored in and embellished their piece. These
were then sent one at a time to our house.
Each one was so beautiful and different… it was so much fun to piece together the big picture as we got the mail each day.

We were incredibly moved by this banding together of gentle internet folk.
Since we were the only ones who had seen the art all in one place we felt strongly about sharing it with everyone who participated.

So we decided to send the art ‘on tour’...

And really… what’s a tour without T-shirts.
So we made up some T-Shirts in various sizes and stuffed them and the art into a Box. We included pre-printed mailing labels for each destination and quietly sent it off on its journey.

That was in June.

Every once in a while we would wonder about the Box. Ponder where it might, who might have seen it already, where it may end up next.

But the Box had been gone a long time. We had not heard of the Box in months. I considered sending out a cryptic email to the Box recipients… to see if I got any bites – but in the end we let (read: my patient wife calmed me and fed me paxil) the universe …and the Box.. make its own way.

Fast forward to this past weekend.

My innkeeping wife and I hosted some out of town bloggers at our house. Bloggers whose addresses were in that Box.

So one drunken night over cocktails I simply had to ask,
“Has anyone SEEN the box?”

Ah yes... they HAD! But that was some time ago... it's current whereabouts - sadly unknown.

O well…

My spiritual wife is always trying to teach me to let it be, let the universe take the direction that it will.

The next day we went to the second annual BlogFriends get together, hosted by dear bloggers Sassy and Eagle Eye.

And guess what showed up…

Not only did the box make its full circle – but it was embellished inside and out with drawings and writings

and tokens from its trip.

The universe is grand and glorious place people.

To those of you who could not be here with us as the box came home ...

Thank you.

You have warmed our hearts, made us laugh, and brought us great joy… and T-Shirts.


Landlady of Fat said...

I loved that you guys did that -- what an awesome idea. :)

Jesse said...

Yeah.. it was Ya-Ya, traveling pants kind of cool. There should be a lesbian movie made about the box :)
It was twice as great to meet you and your quite colorful wife, Prunella.

See ya at the LMF thing..


WenWhit said...

Who knew a well-worn box could be such a good thing?

weese said...

tap tap tap... waiting for syd ...

eb said...

Not only did the box return but its last stop was at the home of those wonderful Blogfest ladies.

The universe also knows how to write the perfect ending.

maxine said...

Synchonious. Serendipidous. Warm. Fuzzy. x. o. heart you.

Val said...

As we (linda & I) were the last ones to get the box, we only had one choice, but to send it to Sassy! The universe MADE it happen that way, it seems.
Very cool.

clammy said...

I love the tale of the box - thanks for letting those that weren't there in on the story. I agree with jero that a movie muse be made!

SassyFemme said...

A box can be an amazing thing.

sporksforall said...

I want more details. It went places after I last saw it. Places with horns.

Syd said...

Priceless to see that I made you horny. LOL

Thanks a million for the tshirt. Karlene wears it, every time it's washed. I'm gonna have to sneak it, to get my chance.

Love you girls...

Anonymous said...

So glad I could be there in spirit, however cryptically.

One of these years maybe I can meet y'all in person!

weese said...

Syd - what... no 'box' comments - c'mon, Wendy's sitting there with hers wide open.
(even Sassy left it out there for you to pick up)

Great to meet you Tina and Jero! see you in April
Val - the universe knows (and it has a map)

clammy - sorry we missed you, next time then!

and Teresa and Sporks - yes, we must...

to our lovely host-esses.

and campers... well you know who you are and how we feel.

i rarely comment back to commenters... i suppose i'm still all mushy and sentimental from the whirlwind weekend with y'all

drowning pisces said...

How cool is that?!