Thursday, January 15, 2009

One man's garbage... is still really garbage.

Sometime back in the 70's there were these ad campaigns to get dumb Americans to stop tossing their trash around. I am sure you remember the commercial made famous by the single tear rolling down the weather beaten face of a Native American.

Personally, I never really understood why people would toss around trash in the first place. Why is it we need to be told not to be slobs?

Anyway... it was around that time when I read an article about the dangers of those plastic ring things which hold a six pack of soda cans together. These were invented because Americans are evidently too lazy to purchase individual cans of soda. Well these items of 'convenience' were wreaking havoc out in the Nature. Animals were becoming entangled in them or even strangled by them. The plastic was too strong for them to break free of. And of course - plastic lasts forever.
This broke my heart.

Since that day, if I ever encounter one of those little nasties - I cut them into several pieces. Granted - it's still evil plastic, but at least little animals won't get hurt by playing with it.

Ok.. so now here we were last month setting up our Christmas tree. And it was wrapped in that ubiquitous tree 'netting'.

This netting totally freaked me out.
I mean just look at it.
This is clearly some dangerous stuff.

I kept thinking of the baby animals.

I had to save the animals.

And so I started snipping... and snipping... and snipping

Until I had a pile of teeny tiny little plastic bits.

The bits were everywhere. They were all over the table, stuck to the chairs, spilled onto the floor... they were on my socks and my sleeves. They were very tiny bits.

I am still finding them -a month later.
But the baby animals are safe.
So I feel better.


eb said...

Was your clever wife not supervising you at the time? Perhaps she would have suggested you cut it up in a paper bag. I think she might have suggested that. I know my clever wife would have. Because I would have totally cut it up on the counter.

Val said...

Clearly, you have to find a job and up the medication! :)
You're just a big ole softy! :)

The Guy Who Writes This said...
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The Guy Who Writes This said...

Weese, you now qualify to live in Oregon!

Zoe said...

Sometimes you and I are a lot like. This is one of those alike times.

sageweb said...

Litter drives me nuts..I am ever so amazed, since I ride my bike to work, how much trash people throw out of their cars.
Is it that hard to wait till you get home and put it in a trash can?

Oh I so remember the crying indian..who was't really an indian.

KMae said...

Very Thoughtful.

maxine said...

I think I might have used the paper cutter at work. Or I might have tried to run it through the shredder (at work, so not a solution for you). Do you think MAW(tm) would have been upset if you used one of her good kithcn knives and the cutting board? The mezzaluna perhaps?

LostInColor said...

YESH! Good for you! I would have done the same thing. When I used to live out in the country I was amazed by the city folk that would just bring their garbage out there and dump it on the side of the road. Trash bags, broken down washers, you name it. Like the country was their personal dump. So sad.

SassyFemme said...

Baby animals must always come first, even at the sake of sanity.

Anonymous said...


JustRex said...

We all have to make sacrifices to make the world a better place. You just built up enough positive karma to last you for the next decade, I think.

Jen said...

those are just little pieces of pride and responsibility that you keep finding on the floor! Good for you!

Me. Here. Right now. said...

I do that with those plastic holders too - though not quite with the vigor you seem to.

Lunch Buckets said...

Honestly? It wouldn't have crossed my mind. Which is why baby animals love you, and fear me.

DawgDyke said...

You rock!

Martini Cartwheels said...

I'm impressed. And I can only imagine all the places those little pieces are turning up.

Anonymous said...

That's so sweet. Major good karma points on that one.