Friday, May 29, 2009



If you work on a computer all day like I do, and find yourself experiencing neck, shoulder or back pain you may want to readjust your seating vs. keyboard position.
Try a keyboard tray, or raising your chair height. Be sure your shoulders are not hunched.

In all cases, typing all day is a rather unnatural position to hold your arms and torso in... so do try to get up often, stretch... maybe take a little stroll around the office.


Anonymous said...

I like to stroll down to the front office where there's a popcorn machine and a big basket of chocolate. :)

Jen said...

And a regularly scheduled massage. You forgot that.

e said...

I keep my keyboard at a negative slant ~ higher on the space bar side and lower on the number side. This has been a big improvement in the way my wrists feel. I use velcro to hold the keyboard onto the tray.