Thursday, February 10, 2005

Paxil for Weese – Reason#2

I mentioned in passing in yesterday’s post that I don’t drive very fast. This is quite true. I don’t really speed; I don’t see a need to. I obey the laws and in general follow rules of etiquette on the roads. I also do not experience road rage. I find this a major waste of energy. It seems ludicrous to get mad at someone who has no idea that you are upset whatsoever, allowing them to simply drive away feeling dandy…leaving you to stew in your own anger. What is the point of that? This is not to say I am happy about getting cut off in traffic…I just don’t get all freaked out about it. I have much better things to get freaked out about… such as … timetable anxiety. Yup. I cannot be late. It causes me great stress to be late. Must—be—on—time; preferably early.
“if you’re early, you’re on time; if you’re on time, you’re late; if you’re late, don’t bother showing up”
Really…it’s bad. DON’T make me late for an appointment, a meeting, even a movie … and if I am running late – you may want to pull over and let me pass.
Cuz I will be burnin’ some rubber, and I will be very agitated.
My family humors me. They have long since given up on complaining about being at the movie theater 20 minute early, they have learned to go play video games or otherwise amuse themselves while I contently sit in my well chosen seat with my untouched popcorn waiting for the lights to dim (mustn’t eat the popcorn before the movie begins…). I always have a book or magazine in my car – so I have something to do when I show up early. When the kids used to need rides, I was always in the parking lot… early… waiting… reading.
And forget going to the airport with me… oh my, where IS the Paxil when you need it.

Gotta go pack for my summer vacation now.

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