Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Today in the Connecticut House of Representatives there will be a vote on S. Bill # 963 - AN ACT CONCERNING CIVIL UNIONS.

Opponents to same sex marriage are trying to attach a DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) to this bill.
Evidently there will be a day long debate/discussion today in the House on this very topic. There will be thousands of people there from both sides of the issue.
Thousands of people… who have freed up their schedules to spend the day at the capital.
I can understand throngs of same sex couples, with their family and friends fighting for their rights – this makes sense. But why-o-why would someone show up to oppose such a thing when it will have no effect on their lives. Do these people go into their boss and say “I’ll need to take the day off on Wednesday or those damned gay folks might start getting married. Can’t let that happen… I’ll take the day without pay if I have to.”
I think the Catholic churches are busing them in today. Go to any Connecticut Catholic diocese site today – this bill is front page news.

This bill DIRECTLY affects me and my family – and I am sitting here eating cornflakes. Why would someone who will not in any way be affected by the outcome of this vote spend an entire day listening to House representatives pontificate? This just makes no sense whatsoever to me.

I think I will take a ride up to the capital later in the month tho…just to keep an eye on the outcome of Bill #6762 AN ACT ALLOWING RETENTION OF PAID VACATION DAYS.
This is ludicrous. How can we stand for this. What’s next – mandatory 2 week Hawaii vacations for all public employees. You can’t let these things get out of hand...

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