Thursday, October 22, 2009


Today the house is filling up with ladybugs.

What the hell...
What's with all 'the nature'

Perhaps this is Mother Nature's way of making me look forward to the dead of winter.

Nice try.
I'll just get out the vacuum now.


Val said...

yeah... there were ladybugs on me yesterday and today when I went outside at lunch... they were attached to me when I returned to my office...strange.

Perhaps they knew it's gonna get cold out again and they wanted to be inside where it was warm?

Anonymous said...

We have ladybirds, but they are not in my house. :)

Anonymous said...

you're going to vacuum them? Thats bad luck! Capture them...put them in a jar...bring em over...i'll pick them up

e said...

You are definitely under assault! Be grateful that it's ladybugs this time...

Anonymous said...

That was the topic on the radio the other morning. Our state seems to have been invaded by them.

KMae said...

So far I haven't noticed ladybugs.
Ants are still around, tho'.