Thursday, October 01, 2009

What's your temperature

Fall is here. It's getting chilly.
So what's your temp?
You low does it have to go before you will submit and turn on the heat?


Anti Grown Up said...

i always say... NO HEAT 'TIL TRICK OR TREAT!

e said...

Fall is definitely here in the Pacific Northwest. Leaves are turning and temps are dropping... and so are the raindrops.

I like to hold out as long as possible, but my gf doesn't see it my way. Last winter we put in an electric fireplace/heater in the living room and it really helps. Maybe I can keep the furnace off for a few more weeks.

The Guy Who Writes This said...

When the nights fall into the 40s

Middle Girl said...

I'm lucky(?) to have electric heat (radiators) in each room (tho the living room one is broken). Only the bathroom radiator has been cranked for overnight, as it has dipped to the lower 40s and I cannot face a frosty bathroom in the early morning hours.

I have an oscillating space heater for the bedroom that I've set on the 2 hour timer just before bedtime so the bed isn't too chilly.

A string of 45 (or lower) nights (and by string I mean--2) signals time for at least some heat.

sageweb said...

it is 92f here today...I turned my heat on twice last year...I think it was in the 60's...I am a baby

Chelle said...

There must be frost. At the moment it's in the 40s outside and we still have windows open. Of course I am wrapped in a fleece blanket as I write this.

KMae said...

I turned it on 2 days ago.
Loverwoman told me to.
Obviously our flashes aren't as bad as they used to be.

Anonymous said...

It is warming up here, soon the heat will have to be turned off.

p.s. This is tracer123, but your comments seem to only allow me to post anonymously.

weese said...

hey Tracer...sorry for the inconvenience. i looked at my settings and everything looks ok.

* said...

Since I am peri-menopausal these days, the thought of turning the heat on, scares me!
I'm still running around the house like it is the middle of the summer, shorts and tshirts.

Usually, the end of October, when we start having frost, then I'm ready.

I like your blog...I'm a new reader btw.

Jen said...

This time of year I always encourage sara to brew beer...because the beer needs a heater for fermenting...see? I didn't suggest the heat get turned on early. Nope. Wasn't me.

btw, we are on our third batch of Limoncello...we found a friend whose mother has a lemon tree in her yard...Now we are heros for saving her from her lemons.

Anonymous said...

We broke down and turned ours on a couple of nights ago. Days not getting out of the 50s was it for us.