Friday, November 06, 2009



When raking leaves, try to pick the windiest day possible.

Give your neighbors a good laugh.


Guy said...

Unless the leaves are blowing in their direction.

Trish said...

it never used to fail, when I'd go out to trim the lawn and/or pick up/rake/blow leaves...the wind would pick up. Early morning, mid day, late afternoon...the wind would always pick up. I'd stop, it'd stop. I'd start up again, the wind would come back. I SWEAR it's my Granddaddy messing with me (assuming one believes there is a place he's gone off to and can do such things to me while I'm trying to wrangle leaves).

But it does make me think of him and smile a bit.

Suzanne said...

Thank you so much for giving me a valid reason for not having raked any leaves this weekend.