Monday, January 10, 2005

So much to blog, so little time

My wife and I had what is turning into a regular thing on Friday nights at our house.
We walk in from work and rather than beginning to prepare a meal, she will start cutting up stuff in snack size bites that usually can be eaten with or without a cracker underneath. I open a bottle of red for her and a brew for myself. And there we are in the kitchen, drinking and snacking and talking like we haven't spoken in weeks. Sometimes one or both kids will wander in and snack and/or drink for awhile with us. We often end up sitting on the counters, or on the little step stool we use to reach high cabinets. These nights often spawn some of our funniest, most interesting, deepest or even silliest of conversations. This particular Friday night we never left the kitchen... never got to starting that fire we talked about - we just stayed and talked and talked until it was bed time.
During the twisty, winding course of our conversations we touched upon several subject I wanted to blog about.
Now if I could only find the time.

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