Wednesday, January 04, 2006

No special treatment

A computer is an appliance. As such, I have certain expectations.
When I go to boil water for tea, I expect the burner on the stove to heat up when I turn the knob to high. When I want toast, those coils should glow red when I push the lever down.
My smoothies will be blended when I push the ‘frappe’ button. And every time I reach for a cold beer, I not only expect it to be nice and frosty, but that a light will come on to guide me to my quarry. I take for granted these reliable old friends. Just look at your trusty washer and dryer. Every day …water and electricity in one appliance, some with enough programs in ‘em to challenge a Dell laptop. Let’s see my Dell handle 50 gallons of water.

Its time we took the computer down off its lofty pedestal. It’s an appliance like any other and should perform just as the other appliances do, day in and day out.
Stop the pandering and the special treatment… just boot up for goodness sake, send an email, balance my check book – and stop that blue screen nonsense.

(As yet, I have not clicked ‘send’ for the sparky new laptop sitting in our Dell shopping cart. Just like my dad out there tinkering with that silly old Oldsmobile, I am gonna get this thing to run again.)

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