Friday, January 20, 2006


Doncha just hate it when you car makes a funny little noise as you start to back out of a parking space – just a tiny noise, and you’re not really sure at first whether it’s something else perhaps another car or if it is in fact coming from your own car… the noise is strange and somewhat musical not something you would expect so you tilt your head slightly because of course that helps you to hear better., and yes…in fact it’s a noise coming from your car and its not a normal noise its sorta scraping maybe a…jangling -- kind-of-a musical jangling jingling scraping pinging whirring kinda noise…and so you put the car in drive and start to pull forward and yup for sure it sounds like something is hanging down in a place it ought not to be so you pull over of course and get out and look under the car to find the origin of this noise and you happen to be in the Wal-Mart parking lot where none of this is unusual and no one really cares… and so you discover absolutely nothing under the car and decide to get back in and listen a little more so you start pulling out of the parking lot very slowly and notice how the noise is changing – then you speed up a bit and yes, in fact, the noise changes with speed as well, so you round the corner by the light and the noise is now making a sort of a pinging sound then there is like a sucking sound and then its back to the scraping sound. So you start to realize that, probably the smartest thing to do, since you know nothing of these elusive mechanical machines, is to drive straight over to the dealer and let them hear the new noise and have them tell you whether you are risking your life by driving this tin can. ..and you search your memory for your afternoon schedule to figure out how to squeeze in this trip to dealer …and wondering whether you will you be there all afternoon-- if its something serious-- so you decide to pick up the phone and call your boss and let him know of the imminent danger you are in and that you may not be back to work this afternoon but its better than dying and then you are wondering if he will actually hear the noise over the phone cuz you think it might be getting louder and so you change lanes and start to head in the general direction of the car dealership while you are starting to dial the office number on your cell phone and … it stops.
Doncha hate that.

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