Tuesday, April 18, 2006

When indifference turns to violence

Celebrity cooking. You MUST be joking.
I have absolutely no interest in watching celebrities do anything. This new trend in reality TV has just about pushed me over the edge. First they started putting celebrities on deserted islands… aka survivor. But no one was interested, so they tried putting celebrities on all of the other crappy reality shows - like The Amazing Race, or the Mole or some such other nonesense. Then they had them dance (albeit not on a deserted island), then skate, now heaven help us…they are cooking.

And somehow this is more entertaining than watching paint dry?

Are celebrities suddenly hard up for work? I notice that more and more very famous people are doing commercials. This used to be a ‘big’ celebrity fopah. Now its rather commonplace. Perhaps these poor folks just need jobs.

Clearly the problem is that there are too many celebrities.
Time for some thinning of the herd.
Yup, you know what that means. Its time to open some new eateries in the LA area…so these people can get back to their roots and serve tables.
Really its not cruel – its as it should be. Survival of the fittest really.

But I swear, if they make a reality TV show out of it… I am throwing them all out the window (well maybe not the new, big, HiDef one… )

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