Wednesday, May 14, 2008

the scent of a womanFREE cat

The FREE dog suspects something.

She has yet to actually see the FREE cat - but she is circling the garage and whining.
We have this image of her digging out under the foundation.

The headline would read: FREE dog frees FREE cat

We have yet to see the cat ourselves. But we know where she is hiding.
Because of course we checked every nook and cranny.
We found her in a corner tucked behind the snowthrower. You can see just a little bit of her ...with a flashlight ...if you twist your body to the right and crane your neck against the wall ...and get up on one tippy toe.
Yeah - we're a little over the top.

She is eating like a horse, and using her litter box.
We are so proud.


sporksforall said...

Our feral cat, since we got he spayed and they cut off half her ear, looks shiny and happy and fusses at us when we don't feed her promptly. We offer her a lot less than you offer yours. What did Joplin say about freedom again? :)

Jen said...

Has she been secretly playing with the toys too? I suspect you are keeping track of cat toy location changes too...true?

Meaner Dog said...

Don't let that dang thing jump out and bite off your nose.

SassyFemme said...

FREE dog and FREE cat are having conversations. FREE dog is surely telling FREE cat how to wrap you two around her little paw when she's ready.

Deb Heller said...

We rescued a litter of ferel kittens and their mom. Had them all spayed and neutered with the Ferel Cat Program in Contra Costa County.

Eventually the cats warmed up to us somewhat. They each have their own rules about how, when and where you can touch them. You can't get near Fluffy unless she's hungry, or it's dark at night and you're in bed, and she decides she wants to sleep next to you. Spot is adament about NOT being picked up. Clipping his claws is a real treat. NOT. The runt of the litter, Blossom, only lets me touch her and pet her. Occasionally she sits on my lap (after much cajoling), but only in the garage. I cannot pick her up - or I'd risk being shredded.

They're 8 years old now. ::sigh::

Good luck with yer FREE cat. I hope her human-rules are easier than our semi-ferel felines.


Dodes said...

ur both going to meet mother teresa when you get to cyber-heaven.

bless your hearts

Val said...

and who WOULDN'T flourish amazingly under that kind of surveillance????!!! Jeez woman, ever heard of giving a gal some space????!!!!

Glad she's doing so well...

Anonymous said...

"FREE dog frees FREE cat." Hahaha! That's adorable!

Anonymous said...
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