Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I love that I will never get a speeding ticket in my new car.

Imagine the speed trap...the officer waiting quietly, patiently pointing his radar gun at each passing vehicle whizzing by.
Finally, he finds his mark - a late model compact car speeds by, clearly over the limit.
He tosses his gun onto the passenger seat and drops the tranny into D, pedal to the medal he screeches out of his hidy spot and onto the highway.

Hmm, he scratches his head as he races down the road looking to spy his mark.
Which one, which one....there are just sooo damned many of them.... they're all the same...


DawgDyke said...

Haha! So true.

e said...

Ha! Yep. Just another Toyota...

Anonymous said...

This does make me wonder if you had a radar gun pointed at your lead foot recently.

Jen said...

Did you try to get into the wrong car in the parking lot yet?

eb said...

I hope you knocked on wood.