Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Everybody is talking about it

The whole flu thing...
First, let me just say - we had bacon last night. So we're doing our part in eradicating the source. Don't worry people - I will eat as much bacon is necessary for the good of the human race.

But this whole pandemic fright has also gotten me to thinking of mortality of course.
Ya know... whats really important, how short life is and all that.
Almost makes me want to stop dieting, live life like its my last day.
But that's not gonna happen - there's no way I am leaving this earth in anything over a size 10.
O the horror...


Landlady of Fat said...

"I will eat as much bacon is necessary for the good of the human race."


brenda said...

you had bacon again?!?

Anonymous said...

Isn't bacon a vegetable?

Anonymous said...

You have my undying gratitude for putting yourself in harm's way to save the rest of us... ;)

Anonymous said...

Forget being too young to die, we can't die if we're not in the size we want to be in! Love it!

Trish said...

oh boy, I'm going to live FOREVER if I have to be less than a size 10 before I die!

Gee, we bought bacon today too. Wife said she wanted to make some treif to add to the chard we got in our weekly co-op veggie box. We just wont tell the rabbi! ;-)

KMae said...

Durn, you are doing well if you get to eat bacon on your diet!

It DOES seem like there is a bit too much panic & over-reaction to this swine flu. But then what do I know?

LostInColor said...

mmmmmmm BACON. drool.

g said...

It's the mexican pigs that say they are south american that you must fear.

Val said...

oh, you're a riot! :)

Martini Cartwheels said...

Ok, you have guilted me in to doing my part. A bacon cheeseburger for lunch it is.