Wednesday, June 10, 2009

too busy

I am too busy.
Or maybe ..its all in my head.


eb said...
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eb said...
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eb said...

It's all in your head. It's a movie. And it's playing in your head. Go get some popcorn. And the good news...they serve wine at your movie theater.

My head is full of typos.

Val said...

pace yourself, friend. And enjoy that wine! :)

Trish said...

my head is clear, it is my translation that is fuzzy with typos.

slow down, pace yourself, B-R-E-A-T-H-E!

I'm having scotch in your honor in an effort to slow you down a bit...lemme know if it helps!

e said...

Maybe it's in your head, and maybe you really are too busy. It can be a challenge to slow down the pace of life. Worth it though.