Thursday, September 25, 2008


As it is with many folks, things are a little fiscally tight here this year. With the upcoming heating season predicted to be so costly I have been spending some time coming up with a spreadsheet to help me budget. I love excel and my spreadsheet has all kinds of neat features and sparky colors. I even tossed in some ‘conditional formatting’ for kicks.
My hope is that by watching our (particularly 'my') spending very carefully we’ll be able to skate through the winter… well, keep the house above freezing anyway.

Of course then my newsworthy wife tells me over coffee this morning that because we are spending… oh I dunno… a billion dollars a day on this ‘war’ thing that the country is like a trillion dollars in debt. And that ‘we’ (meaning us... meaning y'all and me) are gonna have to pay for this.

O just great… how am I gonna work that into my spreadsheet?


Jen said...

An excel budget spreadsheet! What fun! Just wait until you have a years worth of data to mine for ideas!

We are Quicken junkies...everyday one of us updates our joint books, figures out the budget remaining for the rest of the week.

The Guy Who Writes This said...

Put it on a credit card.

sageweb said...

Wow I really need to do that. I do everything online now and never pay attention to things like I did when I balanced my checkbook.

eb said...

Guess you can't really avoid those political rants, can you?

Landlady of Fat said...

Just make sure it's a reallly loooooooooooooong cell. LOL

My deepest sympathies go out to those of you who use oil heat.

LostInColor said...

I am so bad at this stuff. I really need to pay more attention to my money. Not that I spend carelessly, I just don't really pay attention... The debt is scary.

clammy said...

where's the picture of the spreadsheet?

SassyFemme said...

I wonder if your wife has the same type of reaction to you and spreadsheets as I do to mine and her spreadsheets (and databases).

What did you guys end up doing about oil plans?

Martini Cartwheels said...

You're going to need another few tabs to keep track of that trillion. Never could quite get Excel to like me much. I usually end up fighting with it.

Anonymous said...

What a great idea - the excel thing, I mean... not the bail out... although Suzy says we should call it an "investment plan" and people would feel much better about it. It's all about the semantics, I suppose. (insert big sigh here) BTW, I just found your "about me" page. I should have read it a long time ago. You and your bunch sound lovely. Made me wish we were neighbors.