Tuesday, December 02, 2008


So I am reading through the mountains of information provided to all of us unemployed lackeys from the 'Previous Employer'. I have books on writing resumes, nailing the interview (or as Syd may say.. nailing the interviewer), targeting a career, and winning the money game.
There are a couple of good tips, but wow - this is a lot of what I thought to be obvious information.
Really... people...really - you need to be told to buy a suit? And what would EVER compel someone to chew gum on an interview.
If you can't even clean yourself up and be presentable for an hour without being coached - then you may want to consider a career change... maybe office work is just not your thing. Maybe watch that show Dirty Jobs - could be a better fit.

Oh.. and another fun thing - I just stopped in at my 'old' office to pick up something I had left behind. I got to see the folks remaining after the layoffs and now... we get to hug.
I mean we never hugged before meetings or say when we passed in the hallways or getting coffee in the mornings - but now, its all about the hugging.

Good bunch of folks there. I will miss them.
Well... that and the parking garage.


The Guy Who Writes This said...

Having interviewed hundreds of people, you wouldn't believe what I have seen. It's actually rare to find someone that is poised and articulate, and some that are raise other red flags. I get suspicious when anyone in an interview mentions their their church, their spouse, their love for acting, if they are too terse or too wordy, acronyms and buzz words drive me up a wall, or if they have visible tattoos.

Soft eye contact, a sense of humor and a sincere smile always wins me over.

KraftyKay said...

I always find it interesting the kind of "advice" that is in those books. I really just use them for the sample questions.

And I laughed at the visual of a bunch of people hugging while getting coffee in the morning. My boss and I don't work at the same office, so when we see each other in person (which is rare) she always hugs me. I find it uncomfortable, but how do you graciously turn down a hug from the boss?

DawgDyke said...

I'm with 'Guy' on this one. Having interviewed a large amount of people, people with degrees, people who you would be certain knew the do's & do not's of interviewing ... have completely shocked me! People have brought their kids, pets, computers, and ipods to an interview ... I've had numerous people answer their cell phones while in the interview ... I'm sure I will still be amazed in years to come.

Syd said...

Okay, you nailed me. (don't be nasty)

I truly hope this whole thing will be a blessing in disguise, in the end.

dykewife said...

while at my employ, i've taken back to admin resumes that:
were stained with coffee rings;
made the trip over on the floor mat with all the water;
were handwritten on loose leaf paper;
and one that had no contact information on it.

so, recommendations on a suit might be a helpful thing for some, all things considered.

Trop said...

Seriously. Like Guy, I've been involved in the hiring of many people, all up and down the career ladder. I am always surprised by the poor showing of job candidates, especially at upper management levels. It is often too obvious how little effort and personal investment some candidates put into their job candidacy.

I hug my bosses, BTW, but it's only because we see each other once or twice a year. I'm lucky to work for and with really good people.

Like Syd said, I hope this is a blessing in disguise.

If you need fresh eyes to review your resume or cover letters, I'd be happy to help.

Val said...

Here's to you finding a job AND that it has a parking garage! :)

JustRex said...

I'm glad you found a job, dear. Otherwise you might have gotten old and crusty like Auntie. And I'm equally glad there are folk like you who can work in offices. I couldn't do it. For one thing, I look ridiculous in a suit, no matter how nattily tailored it may be. A suit on me fits like socks on a penguin. Besides, I have visible tattoos. Guy would never hire me. Except as an ossasional witty banterist.

weese said...

I found a job?
hmm, no one told me.

The Guy Who Writes This said...

Darev, Dude, you're mixing your blogs. Auntie doesn't visit here and she'd kick your ass if she saw you messing with her. Also if you ever want to transfer out here, Auntie has power over that. Careful my friend.

Auntie said...

poops, what's all this talk going on over here 'bout poor Auntie?

JustRex said...

Weese: sorry, I misread. I'm conceptually dyslexic sometimes. I'm a man, you know. You have to hit me over the head with a shovel to get a point across. I do wish you luck.

Guy: I'm already hosed. She's got me in her sights.

Auntie: Ummmmmmmm... oh snap.

weese said...

Its ok Darev... I can't go back to work right now anyway... I have too much going on around the house!
But look! now I have new friends - you and Auntie!

JustRex said...

Miz weese, didn't mean to barge in on your blog so abruptly. I'd read your posts on Guys page and got curious.... glad I stopped by, tho. Hope to come back often, if you don't mind my gawdawful sense of humor, now and then. I get carried away sometimes. Just smack me upside the head now and then and I'll behave.

The Guy Who Writes This said...

Weese, sorry if the kids from my blog came over here and made a mess. They will be spanked if it happens again. hey promise to be on their best behavior.

weese said...

ooo there's gonna be spanking.