Thursday, December 04, 2008

This night


We are gettin' all dolled up and going in early to have 'little plates' and much bubbly.

Tonight... I am taking my effervescent wife -- to the opera.

ef⋅fer⋅ves⋅cent   /ˌɛfərˈvɛsənt/

1. effervescing; bubbling.
2. vivacious; gay; lively; sparkling.

1675–85; L effervēscent- (s. of effervēscēns), prp. of effervēscere to effervesce; see -ent


Syd said...

Don't forget to shout "Freebird". Seriously, it's classy.

Trop said...


Auntie said...

To get the whole effect and in case those snobs don't notice how classy your freebird is start waving your bic-lighter in the air.

Val said...

Have fun!

JustRex said...

Faust... cool. Probably the only "opera" I could actually sit through. I'll admit I'm more of a musical fan than an opera fan. And my tux never looked good on me, either. Gotta dig them little binoculars, tho.

Did they do any stage diving?