Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Wednesday is Friday


Today's Tip is for Turkey day.
Do you like a nice thick, smooth gravy on your spuds and foul? Did you know that your thickening agent lumps because of the heat when you add it to the turkey drippings? To avoid this lumpy mess - get a small jar with a tight fitting lid. Add your flour (or cornstarch if you use that) to some cool water and shake vigorously. Be sure its well dissolved and a consistency to pour smoothly. Then in your turkey pan (the one you just pulled the bird from) over medium heat you can slowly add this mixture and cook and thicken - lump free. Add slowly, it may thicken more than you expect. I always reserve a small amount of juices on the side, just in case I over-thicken I can adjust.

Eat 'till you burst.

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