Thursday, November 03, 2005

Yhah yhah yho yho yhay yhay yho yho

I am doing a leaf chant.
It's November people - the leaves are green and still clinging to their branches for dear life.
This is not 'normal'. The whole peak color thing is supposed to be done and gone by now. Now is the time for leaf removal. Many of us here in the Northeast still use the more primitive method of removal called - 'raking leaves'. This is a somewhat tedious and strenuous task, and for those of us with many trees also time consuming.
However, in order to rake leaves we need for said leaves to be on the ground. It is also immeasurably helpful if these leaves are not under snow when we are trying to rake them. We call this a window of opportunity -- leaves on the ground, no snow on the leaves.
The window is closing. We are waiting with great anticipation.

altho... I understand if you have one of these, snow is less of an issue - as this will remove 'wet' leaves with ease.

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