Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Let’s just say

Let’s just say you were approaching the entrance to your favorite local shop.
You notice as you get closer that someone else is also heading for the door.
Do you speed up to reach the door and let it close behind you so that you are in first?
Then why do you do that in your car?

Let’s just say you are walking along a park path. Ahead of you is an elderly couple, holding hands and enjoying a leisurely walk. Suddenly you realize the time and need to brisk your pace to get back for an appointment.
Do you yell at the old couple as you approach from behind, and then scowl at them as you pass in your haste?
Then why do you do that in your car?

Let’s just say you walk into the bank and need to see a teller for your transaction.
You notice there are a number of people waiting in a roped line.
Do you bypass the line and go directly to the front to be waited on next?
Then why do you do that in your car?

Let’s just say you are a thoughtful, courteous person – who tends to open doors for others, help a lost person, be patient and kind.
Then why aren’t you like that your car?

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