Friday, May 11, 2007



Did you know you can get soap out of a sponge simply by adding different soap?

For example, if you've got a sponge full of dish soap and it seems like you could rinse it forever with endless suds - take a bar of hand soap and rub some into the sponge, then squeeze and rinse.
One washes the other out.


SassyFemme said...

I had no clue! Where do you get these things from?????

chapin said...

Really...where did you figure all this out? You outta have your own TV show Weese.

process said...

No way.

WenWhit said...

There you go, turning me on again.

Deb Heller said...

What a wonder you are! Who would figure that out?

Have a great weekend!


Syd said...

Are you shittin' me? Cool!

Val said...

I'm sure that there is a cape that we can send some cereal box tops away to, so that Weese can truly be looked upon as the "WONDER WOMAN" that she is!
I had no idea... this is SO good to know.

Bent Fabric said...

Kewl! I tend to leave the sponge full of dish soap.