Wednesday, October 01, 2008

About this election

Really? No... kidding...kidding - I am still staying out of it.
Tho I have to tell you it's really limiting my blog reading.

This is not a problem tho as I just received a complimentary, digital copy of the upcoming Scientific American (because I am a member of The Nature Conservancy) It's a special issue called Earth 3.0. I have only just skimmed the first few pages and already I am excited.

It's not on the newsstands yet... but watch out for it because let me tell you, it's gonna be a good read.

oops, is my environmentalism showing.


The Guy Who Writes This said...


LostInColor said...

well aren't you special! I got complimentary copies of "Nature" once. Did you know that is a weekly mag? They sent it to me for free for 3 months. At the time I loved it because I was riding the bus to/from work, and it gave me plenty of wonderful reading material.