So we got a cat.
A FREE cat of course.
And --other than the fact the our FREE cat likes to spend her days elsewhere and show up only for meals - really, it's been going swimmingly.
Well until of course the mice decided that coming into the house might be a toasty and safe and fun place to spend the winter season.
Add to that - I have been leaving food out in garage for the FREE cat -but lately I suspect that I may be feeding more than our cat.
Now it's not that I mind feeding ALL the wildlife in the neighborhood - but I really, really want one or more of the eaters to be cats. Ideally - cats who might spend a little time hunting around the yard and house. Also - we made a commitment to feed this FREE cat and we want to be sure she is at least one of the diners.
So I decided I need to train the FREE cat to come and eat when I call her.
Leave it to weese to try and train wild animals.
My sapient wife gives a simple nod and an offhanded smile as I told her my plan.
So last night there I am out in the yard with a food dish calling for my FREE feral cat.
I didn't expect her to come skampering across the yard. But I had hoped she at least heard me.
She didn't show. Tho I kept checking and calling.
She didn't eat last night.
Tonight was the same drill. Calling and calling with a food dish in my hand.
No cat.
Well... not right away.
She did actually show up, and through some coaxing and calling and using a couple of food dishes - I was able to get her to come up to the walkway to eat!
My next step is to get her to come up and eat on the porch shortly after I call her to dinner.
I feel this is the best winter solution for everyone involved. Even though there may be some hungry rats, chipmunks, raccoons and possibly even other cats out there.
(of course... if they come to the porch when I call, rest assured I will feed them too)
I have a feeling FREE cat will be eating on the porch (and probably wiping her mouth with a cloth napkin) long before Max figures out what to do with the mice he catches.
FREE cat will learn. I taught 2 barn cats to eat when I called them. It was the time I checked them over and made sure they were ok. They learn and they actually like routine.'re brave! I'd be afraid every rat in town would be hanging out at my house.
How cool, the cat will learn though. I have cats from the neighborhood that come over to eat my Dogs food. They learn real fast.
Weese, thanks so much for your comments today. I've added your issue to my post. Hope it helps!
Excellent! Too funny. Great pic.
This made me smile really big :o)
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