Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Have you ever felt a little...something, maybe something wasn't quite right, you feel a little off. So you start to look up your symptoms on the internets.

C'mon...you know you do.

I've noticed that every major disease, affliction, complication or illness seems to involve "unexplained weight loss".

Clearly I'll live to 100.


Anonymous said...

As long as you don't come to the conclusion that it's your prostate, you're good. ;)

CJ said...

Me too! Hey, I get one life...I'd rather EAT than diet!

DawgDyke said...

Drink more water, honestly, you'll feel better.

e said...


Actually, working in a hospital, I don't go to teh interwebs for that kind of info. Mostly I just ignore it.

Val said...

"Clearly". :)

Trish said...

lol...I thot that too until I lost almost 3 pants sizes for no GOOD reason, hell, I was on steroids...I should have gained weight!

but, like the commercials that describe the side-effects which to me, often seem WORSE than the problem you were treating in the first place---I tend to avoid looking at all the OMG's possible.

Drink water, take a walk, it'll probably be better in a few days.

Me. Here. Right now. said...

Yes, last time I did that I discovered I had lockjaw and would be dead imminently.