Tuesday, August 11, 2009

a token, a favor... a small parting gift

I went to the dentist yesterday.
They gave me a goodie bag. You know - new toothbrush, a small tube of paste and some floss.
I love goodie bags
Really, it doesn't take much to make my day.

I think we should get goodie bags from all our appointments.
You could get a new pencil or notepad from your accountant.
How about a home breathalyzer from your attorney?
Your shrink could give you a complimentary xanax with a tissue pack.
Even the gynecologist can join in the fun....


Jen said...

Fun! Dental dams, lube and little mirrors maybe?

Anonymous said...

The words fun and gynecologist just don't fit together in the same sentence.

e said...

that's funny! :-)