Sunday, September 02, 2007



It's Friday...right?

Fall is fast approaching - you can save some money (and natural resources) as your vegetable garden no longer needs water every day. The plants have matured by now and so require less water. Tomatoes for example are busy ripening fruit, rather than focusing on stem and leaf growth. My well-read wife has heard that if your fruit is slow to ripen, try lopping off the top of the plant to remind it to stop focusing on growth (she cautions me that she has not had to try that here... so your result may vary)


treppenwitz said...

I'd imagine that this method of 'directed focusing' is pretty darn effective on members of the household as well, no? :-)

clammy said...

thanks for tip. Maybe our little green tomatoes will all turn red if they stop thinking about their stems.

Suzanne said...

One of these years I'm gonna grow me a garden....