Friday, August 29, 2008



Fall is for planting.

This is the BEST time of the year to plant grass, these warm days and cool nights are ideal - so if you have some bare spots go spread some seed.

Remember to rake it a little bit so the seed makes good contact with the ground. If you're doing a large area its a good idea to use a water filled roller to set it nicely in the soil.

And if you're like me and would rather not use hay, try spreading some peat moss on top to keep the moisture in. Then there is nothing to rake up later on.
Water every day, keep it moist but not puddly.
You should see happy germination in 7-10 days.


Landlady of Fat said...

Ok and how do we get the puppy to not treat it like her own personal sandbox like last time?? LOL

I wish I had one of them rolly thingies.

LostInColor said...

you mean straw right? not hay? or do you mean hay? hey? guess it doesn't matter since you opt for the peat moss, which is a good choice.

weese said...

yes... Lost, I believe you are correct. Stray. Hay has too many seeds. (Guy?)
Tina - puppies are a problem...I suggest reviving the lawn in sections using temporary fencing to keep the dog off an area until its established.

weese said...

Stray? ha...oops... I clearly meant straw.

SassyFemme said...

Stray straw?

I think we'll be doing another round of seeding this weekend, and using the peat moss this time. Despite all the rain on the first round (and the turkeys), probably 60-70% of it took.

BTW, you want straw, not hay. If you use hay you'll end up with a lawn full of crab grass and weeds. Hmmm, maybe that explains our yard!

Meaner Dog said...

I need to be doing that. Thanks for the tip.